FileMaker??? No, you can't design thin films or measure spectra in FileMaker Pro. What you can do is store designs and measured spectra in this popular database. You can securely store thousands of spectra in a single file and easily find and analyze the curves at a later time.

FileMaker Pro is one of those secrets shared by about 9 million users who have neither the time or inclination to learn MS Access. We use it ourselves; in fact, this e-mail was sent directly by FileMaker.

Click on the image at the right for a full-size view. If you're familiar with FileMaker you'll be surprised at the simplified menus. This is critical for implementing database solutions in production. You can't meet ISO requirements if anyone can delete and change results. That's why FileMaker provides security levels based on user-name and password.

The key to all this is that FilmStar can run FileMaker automatically. It's all easier than you think and we include everything you need to get started. You'll be able to implement a custom database solution in days, not weeks or months! And if you don't have the time or inclination, we'll provide a low-cost turnkey solution.

To learn more about the benefits of integrating design and measurement software with database technology, call +1 609 924-6222 or visit us today at