CRYSTAL converts thin film structures to processes
Inficon IC/4+, IC/5, IC6 deposition controllers.
Processes are uploaded via RS-232 or LAN interfaces.

CRYSTAL directly uploads layers to Inficon controllers. It is NOT required if your system has a master computer which performs the same function. In that case DESIGN is sufficient.  Please contact FTG Software if unsure.


Opening this dialog triggers IC6 look-up to
ensure that material names are correct.

The ability to name processes is a major Inficon improvement.
The CRYSTAL Process Manager makes it easy to manage multiple processes.

Materials can be downloaded, edited and uploaded with ease.
Note that materials can now be named...a huge improvement over the IC/4-5.

Rapid uploading via COM or LAN eliminates mistakes.
Multiple instruments can be serviced from one computer.

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Calculation Parameters

Calculation Parameters

Film Indices and Calculation Parameters appropriate for the specified controller are stored as Parameters files. Typically each coating chamber has its own file. Film designs generated by FilmStar DESIGN may be loaded from disk or pasted from the Windows clipboard. While designs can also be edited in CRYSTAL, this feature can be disabled for security.

A Layers Manager displays the number of layers in each process and the total number of new layers that may be added. Unused film processes can be saved and deleted from the controller's memory. Note that IC6 layer capacity far exceeds IC/4/5.

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CRYSTAL Worksheet

CRYSTAL Worksheet

Generated for each instrument. These may be loaded from disk, calculated from a thin film design, manually edited, uploaded to the deposition controller, downloaded from the controller, and stored on disk. Worksheets can be modified with FilmStar BASIC or transferred to any Windows spreadsheet. Thickness settings can be automatically adjusted to compensate for nonlinearities.

Click for full size image

Custom Program Oxload

Custom Monitoring Software  

FTG Software can provide custom monitoring software for special purposes. The accompanying image displays program OxLoad which generates binary coating recipe files on disk for an Oxford Instruments coating chamber. Previously the user spent hours typing recipe files.

Copyright © 2023 FTG Software Associates
Last updated on January 31, 2023