Optical Coating
Business Software Coating is a business, so take
advantage of popular business applications (7:04, no
A Tale of two
Spectrometers Lower costs and increase efficiency
with one program running all your instruments (1:17).
Why FilmStar MEASURE? Automation! That's why. See how FilmStar
interfaces to ancillary hardware and software like
Excel (2:03).
Optical properties
as a function of temperature
Reflectance/Transmittance Analyzer
Cary UMA (Excel support way beyond CSV)
Marine oil analysis
(YouTube 3:00, look for the Lambda 850)
FilmStar Graph Automation
The professional graphs you need for
QA reports, web pages and quotes (2:47).
Why you need the FilmStar
Database The FilmStar-FileMaker Pro interface (3:48).
More info!