Why FilmStar MEASURE/Scantraq?
Automation - your key to higher reliablity and lower costs
Please turn on your speakers.
Notes on this video:
Automation is not limited to
barcode readers and Excel. These were just handy examples.
The barcode reader is a small
ActiveX EXE
that communicates with FilmStar MEASURE via
COM. COM is also how FilmStar MEASURE
(Scantraq when marketed to chemists)
communicates with Excel. The video does not attempt to explain
details. Please
contact us if you are interested in a more complete explanation.
FilmStar MEASURE supports
numerous instruments, some directly via serial or GPIB commands
and some through libraries supplied and installed by PerkinElmer
and other instrument manufacturers. In the case of the Spectrum
100 or Frontier FTIR, PE Spectrum must be installed on the computer.